1 module exec;
3 import std.stdio;
5 // contains the stuff for like the language..
7 import kobj;
8 import cv;
9 import std.string;
10 import std.algorithm;
11 import va;
13 void kyle_execute(kyle_state s)
14 {
15     int state = 0;
16     string blc;
17     string fname;
18     kyle_arguments arg = new kyle_arguments();
19     foreach (char l; s.supplied_code)
20     {
21         if (s.err)
22             break;
23         if (l == '#' && state == 0)
24         {
25             state = 1;
26             blc = "";
27         }
28         else if (l == ' ' && state == 1)
29         {
30             state = 2;
31             fname = strip(blc);
32             blc = "";
33         }
34         else if (l == ' ' && state == 2)
35         {
36             if (blc.length > 0)
37             {
38                 arg.outType = arg.outType ~ blc;
39                 blc = "";
40             }
41         }
42         else if (l == '"' && state == 2) { state = -1; }
43         else if (l == '"' && state == -1) { state = 2; }
44         else if (l == s.line_ending && state == 2)
45         {
46             if (blc.length > 0)
47                 arg.outType = arg.outType ~ blc;
49             state = 0;
50             if (fname == "mod")
51             {
52                 if (s.use_mod)
53                     s.toplevel_header = kyle_vararg!(string).kyle_convert_argument(0, arg);
54             }
55             else if (fname in s.deles)
56             {
57                 s.deles[fname](arg, s);
58             }
60             blc = "";
61             arg = new kyle_arguments();
62         }
63         else if (l == s.comment_op && state >= 0)
64         {
65             state = 6;
66         }
67         else if (l == s.comment_break && state == 6)
68         {
69             blc = "";
70             state = 0;
71             continue;
72         }
73         else if (l == '\n' && state == 0)
74             continue;
76         else if (l == s.line_ending && state == 1)
77         {
78             s.err = true;
79             s.errmsg = ("unexpected token '#', maybe `;' was needed?");
80         }
81         else
82         {
83             blc = blc ~ l;
84         }
85     }
86 }